Candlelight Mala Meditation

A candlelight guided visualization and Mala meditation through the cycles of life and 5 elements in nature. We’ll also use crystal singing bowls during this hour to deepen our practice.

Our mind is a very powerful tool. When we train our brain, we can change our body and our perceived reality.

We will use our active imaginations to visualize the release of specific trapped emotions within our tissues. We’ll gain an understanding of what emotions link with each organ system and what cycle of life that organ system coincides with. We’ll do a mala mantra meditation for each system to strengthen and balance its emotional as well as physical components.

MALAS, What are they?

A mala is a strand of beads (traditionally 108, or a fraction thereof) used for keeping count during meditation. A mala can be used for meditation only, worn as a necklace, or wrapped around your wrist several times. With use, the mala becomes infused with your personal energy alongside the energy of the stones in the mala. The more you meditate and use your mala, the stronger the bond will become between you and your beads.

It is recommended that you wear a new mala for 40 days to form a connection to the meditation tool. Wearing the mala as a necklace or as a bracelet throughout the day helps you manifest the power of the stones.